Optimus Primers

Member: Dimitri Sevastos
Services:  Residential/Commercial Painting
Address: 1890 Wantagh Ave, Wantagh, NY 11793
Email: dimitri@optimusprimers.com
Website: www.optimusprimers.com
Mobile: 516-350-0954

Dimitri Sevastos, the owner of Optimus Primers, grew up with a paintbrush in his hand. His father owned and operated a residential/commercial painting business in Florida, Thassos Painting. From a young age, Dimitri was on the front line helping the business. He started off cleaning paint buckets and prepping/painting structures, and eventually grew into estimating jobs as well as various administrative work on the back end of the business.

Having spent most of his high school career working for the family business, he would later attend University of South Florida, where he majored in Computer Networking and Business. Upon graduating, Dimitri pursued a career in technology believing it was the right choice all while keeping an active involvement with the family business. With years of industry exposure having been focused on technology as well as strong experience in the painting field, Dimitri decided it was time to return to his roots and start Optimus Primers. Dimitri plans to take advantage of both his understanding of technology and the painting world in order to create a new wave of thinking and doing in regards to how painting service is done.

In the past few years, I have noticed the level of quality of painters have dropped dramatically due to inexperienced workers coming into the market. My mission was to find a solution!